I'm kinda lost these few weeks. Many things to settle. But what come on my mind first is my work progress as a Ex-co of Performance for the annual dinner of my department. At first, when the picked me as the ex-co, I thought the job will be not as complicated as what happen now. I don't know why some people just can't cooperate. Specially the juniors! F*** the juniors!!! I have never hate them as I hate them now. I don't hate them because of them, but I hate them because of their "two faces". I seriously can't handle my emotion now. They are a lot of people in their batch, really, why can't they just pick some to do some performance?? Why??!!
I hate listening for the silly reasons they made. One of the lamest reason I have ever heard, they don't want to do dancing as a performance, because its HARAM. Wow, they know what HARAM means? If they know... Why many of them are having "couple".. Going out with their boy friend, as we can call as "zina", isn't that haram as well?? So, why can't they differentiate and put the haram word in their places. Before you say haram on something, check your self, at least go and look for a mirror maybe, and ask your self...!!
Yes, that would be haram, if you dance in front of unknown people, and you got money by dancing in front of them. Yes, that would be haram, if you show your "full body". Wear a transparent dress, and so on.
And no, I didn't ask you to dance like the professional dancer. NO!. I didn't ask you to move your body like Beyonce, or Christina Aguilera. I am pretty sure Malaysian also have their Malay dances that not out of the line in term of religion.
What I asked you is do some performance, to appreciate your seniors that about to graduate real soon. What I asked you is to show some respect for them!!! Remember how good your senior was, when you needed help they will come for you, giving you their notes as a guideline for you to study. Really. Just one performance for them, you can't make it?? Shame on you!
*I don't know what to put on tittle.
And I would like to say thanks to my classmates, who have been right behind me in every trouble. I know we can make this annual grand dinner as what we wish. Keep believing. =) Love you guys a lottttttttttt looottt...
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